the walking dead #185, “on guard” review

This months’ issue of TWD saw Dwight and Rick butt heads as they both assessed the Commonwealth and how their group might ameliorate the community from its current caste system.

This months’ issue can be summed up by the conversation that took place between Yumiko and Magna, wherein Magna commented on how, “when things are peaceful, that’s just killing time between the horror.” While that moment felt as though Kirkman had his tongue in his cheek, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s true. While, on the surface, everything seems to be going smoothly (or as smoothly as can be expected) it’s only a matter of time before shit hits the fan in a far worse way than that small riot that took place a couple of chapters ago. While the caste system being implemented in the Commonwealth has (barely) worked thus far, it is obvious that it is beginning to crumble, and with individuals within, like Mercer, and outside elements, like Dwight, both seeking to demolish the established society, its only a matter of time before, well, as Magna so aptly put it, “the horror” starts.

Moving away from the main plot, this issue, much like last months, focused on the budding new romances - such as Stephanie and Eugene, as well as Carl and Lydia.. or is it Sophia? While Carl was quick to make things awkward once Sophia alluded to there being no one at the hilltop for her to have sex with, it wouldn’t be completely out of the realm of possibility for him to have a change of heart later - especially given how much they’ve been through together. Lydia is here now, but that may not always be the case. If I’m being completely honest, the idea of Carl and Sophia being together is something I’d very much like to see. If Kirkman were to end TWD with a “happy ending,” I wouldn’t mind seeing an older Carl and Sophia - two characters who have been around since the start of the series - as an elderly couple watching their grandchildren play in a world very reminiscent of the one before the apocalypse. But, that’s just my own personal fan-fic.

Speaking of how things were before the apocalypse, the Commonwealth really is as close as we’ve seen so far. It’s not too shocking to think that, given how many years have passed since the start of the series, that some place in the world might have returned to a sort of semi-normalcy, especially if there were a large number of people there from the start. While we’ve had months to ease into the Commonwealth, it’s still very new for our characters, and to see Rick break down while enjoying lunch with Michonne and Elodie was a pretty emotional experience. Not only because it serves to illustrate how much he still misses his wife, Andrea, but also just how beautiful a place it must be that the idea of being there without her made him unabashedly tearful in front of everyone.

As we move into next months issue, I’m curious to see how Rick will react to Mercer’s comment. He’s been adamantly against Dwight’s idea of dismantling the established government through force, but now that someone from within the society shares Dwight’s thoughts, will he really object? Kirkman seemingly already answered the question via Magna, but, nevertheless, I’m excited to see what Rick will do next. Stay tuned for my review of the next issue, which will be released December 5th!
